Equine Assisted Services
Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP)
SAS utilizes the Eagala Model team approach that includes a licensed, credentialed Mental Health Professional, a qualified Equine Specialist, and horses. Work is done on the ground in our arena so that clients, with the support of the professional facilitators, can reflect, project, and make deep connections.
We offer individual and group sessions for children, adults, and veterans.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning are offered year-round, weather permitting.
Please contact Rebecca Flanagan (StarsAndStridesTEC@gmail.com) for more information.
Therapeutic (Adaptive) Riding (TR)
Horseback riding provides independent riding skills and horsemanship training. Often there are physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and sensory benefits to the rider as well.
We work with children and adults with a wide range of challenges, such as, physical disabilities, sensory processing disorders, trauma histories, social anxiety, PTSD, cognitive impairments, autism spectrum disorder, and many others.
Lessons are designed around the individual's needs and goals, and can include games, groundwork, obstacle courses, and other rider specific activities, in addition to traditional horsemanship and riding theory.
Folks with disabilities benefit greatly due to motor, emotional and sensory inputs that are associated with riding a horse. Joy, belonging and empathy are some of the outcomes of developing a relationship with an equine partner.
Participants may select which block - Summer or Fall - that they would like to apply for. Each block is eight (8) weeks, i.e., eight lessons, in length. Participants are expected to attend all eight lessons during their assigned time slot.
Our Therapeutic riding Program runs from May to October
NOTE: While horseback riding and acquiring horsemanship skills often have a therapeutic effect, it is not considered “therapy” unless it is provided by a licensed physical or occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, or psychotherapy professional.
Click here to download the application:
Therapeutic Riding/Equine Assisted Learning Participant Application
Please email completed applications to: Starsandstridestec@gmail.com
Space is limited and spots will be awarded on a first-come-first serve basis.
For more information, reach out to us via the Contact Us page.
Service-Learning Projects
Equine Assisted Activities can be designed for groups of middle and high school students in conjunction with teachers and administrators as service learning projects
Equine Assisted Activities
Special programs can be designed to meet the requirements of an individual, a group, or an organization.